Thrive’s Strategy, Grantmaking Approach,
and History
Thrive’s CEO and Founder has nearly 20 years of global philanthropic experience with a deep focus on Global South regions. We have a team collective 60+ years in food systems work, and a pool 40+ expert advisors from 20+ countries to support with our due diligence and strategy.
Thrive grantees, CEO, staff, and board
from 11 countries meet in USA.
Thrive Philanthropy’s strategy is straightforward.
By tapping into regional expertise and networks, we ensure grantmaking is directed as effectively as possible to improve food systems worldwide. Grantmaking is coupled with increasing the size and sophistication of regional movements through strategic movement-building and capacity-building catered to regional needs and cultures. Thus, by advancing regional movements and regional leadership, Thrive can reduce reliance on harmful industrialized animal farming and increase just, healthy, plant-based food systems worldwide.
Thrive’s CEO and Founder has nearly 20 years of global philanthropic experience with a focus on Global South regions and extensive living experience in Global South giving Thrive deep insight into global giving. We also have a team collective 60+ years in food systems work with staff from 4 continents, and a pool 40+ expert advisors from 20+ countries to support with our due diligence and strategy.
Our Global Grantmaking Expertise
Thrive’s CEO and Founder has nearly 20 years of global philanthropic experience with a deep focus on Global South regions. We have a team collective 60+ years in food systems work from 4 continents, and a pool 40+ expert advisors from 20+ countries to support with our due diligence and strategy.
What We Grant
Thrive Philanthropy grants initiatives that eliminate industrial animal agriculture, create just, plant-based food systems, reduce animal consumption, and advocate for nutritious, sustainable, and/or locally sourced vegan diets.
Where We Grant
Thrive Philanthropy currently grants about 80 countries in every continent except Antartica, and growing each quarter. Currently, we aren’t funding within the United States so we can focus on regions of the world that have historically had less access to funding. Click here to see our granted countries.
Grantmaking Philosophy
Thrive Philanthropy is committed to an equitable, decolonization, Trust-Based Philanthropy approach to grantmaking. We actively work to dismantle barriers to funding and grantee/grantor power imbalances.
Thrive Philanthropy is also committed to uplifting regional expertise and as such, utilizes a formal network of Regional Funding Steering Committees and a Global Expert Advisory Committee to support with regional grant decision-making as needed.
Grantmaking Criteria
Thrive Philanthropy utilizes multiple grantmaking criteria during the selection process. A few significant selection criteria include: 1) cost-effectiveness, 2)strength in strategy, 3) impact potential, 4)leadership strength, 5)regions with underfunded movements, and 6) additional criteria.
If you’d like to learn more about our grantmaking approach, we invite you to contact us at
Thrive’s CEO and Founder has nearly 20 years of global philanthropic experience and extensive living experience in India and Nepal, and we have a team collective 60+ years in food systems work, and a pool of over 40 expert advisors from 20+ countries to support with our due diligence and strategy.
Prior to launching Thrive Philanthropy, Thrive’s Founder and CEO and founding team worked together at a previous organization and oversaw the precursor to Thrive’s grantee portfolio and Thrive Africa Accelerator.
Thrive Philanthropy is officially incorporated in the United States with limited philanthropic consultation.
Thrive Philanthropy formally launches by transitioning the team, grantee portfolio, and Thrive Africa Accelerator from the previous organization to Thrive. Within its first six months, Thrive expands the plant-based movement in 1 out of every 3 of the world’s countries and expands the plant-based movement in 40% of African countries. See the 2023 Annual Report here and impact page here.
Thrive Philanthropy continues to expand and by the end of year 2, Thrive is amplifying the plant-based movement in 1 out of every 2 of the world’s countries and expanding the plant-based movement in 2/3 African countries, and growing.
Thrive also onboards a 15-member international Board of Directors, and LATAM, Asia, and Africa Funding Steering Committees, formalizes its Thrive Food Systems Pooled Grantmaking Fund, begins its Asia movement-building work, and expands its 2 flagship Africa movement-building projects by 350% and 500% since year 1. See the 2024 Annual Report here and impact page here.

Join us in creating just, plant-based food systems.
Your support to Thrive Philanthropy creates a world with nutritious, sustainable, plant-based food systems, and a world where philanthropy is equitable, effective, and just.